October 1, 2023


Above, the headline from the New York Times on May 18, 1988 announcing the official landmarking of the colony. But it's the sub-headline that gives us pause: RULING SUPPORTS EFFORT TO PRESERVE WINDOWS. Apparently, there was another victory to celebrate, the protection of the windows. The paper elaborates:

The most widespread impact of the landmark district could be on any window replacement programs undertaken individually or collectively at the apartment buildings, which are being or have been converted to co-operative ownership.


The maintenance of original windows was one of the major goals of the preservation effort, which had its roots in a period 10 years ago when "there was a feeling of panic about losing the parks."

Now, nearly one hundred years since Tudor City opened, the original windows ‒ made of steel ‒ are obsolete, their replacements are aluminum. 

Below, The Woodstock's Window Replacement Master Plan.

This is the work of Acheson Doyle Partners, an architectural firm known for its historic bent. After much back-and-forth, the window designs were finally approved, then offered to Woodstock residents at a reduced price. 

Given that each window cost the resident $4,100, most felt, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and that was that. The battle over the windows continues. . .


  1. Restoration of the existing steel casement windows is a viable option worth exploring, and while not perfect, the cost to restore existing steel casements is about 1/10 that of a replacement aluminum clip-on window (which has a 40 year life expectancy), work is far less invasive to residents, and the steel casements can last for another 100 years if properly maintained.

  2. I live in No 5 and I am interested on restoring my windows. If anyone knows which company does this type of work please post the info.
