June 9, 2024


We recently came across some photos of street life in the early 1940s, and we wondered what it would be like to walk up Second Avenue at that time. Above, to set the tone, is a view showing the area from 35th and Second, looking north. Although it was made from the Elevated train, we will be proceeding on foot.

Beginning our tour, here's a snapshot of 37th Street and Second Avenue. The tall building is an apartment house that still stands, built in 1930 and now called The Mango; sprouting up to the right is Tudor City.

In another photo taken some time later, a fence made of doors hammered together has been put up to protect passersby from the rubble.

Made from a different vantage point, this image shows the fence in its full glory.

We finally arrive at Tudor City, which looks impressive ‒ save for the rundown look of its neighbors. No idea what the '35' means.  

In the final shot, we see Windsor Tower. Although the photographer has changed position, moving out from under the El, it is inescapable ‒  the shadowy bottom of the photo testifies to its presence.

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